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to your online wellness sanctuary 

 yoga, wellness, cyclical living 

Align your mind + body through the practice of yoga


Welcome to your wellness hub for all things yoga, mindfulness, wellness + hormone health. 


Through the practice of yoga, breath + meditation, my aim is to guide you to a place where you feel supported, balanced and aligned. 


Whether you are craving to deepen your yoga practice, or wanting to improve your hormonal health and find dedicated practices for each stage within your cycle, I am here to guide and hold space for you on your journey to becoming the most balanced, aligned + glowing version of you. 

My story

After completing my 200hr yoga teacher training in Vinyasa Yoga with, I fell in love with how the practice of  yoga changed my life and also supported me through the ongoing health issues I had been experiencing over a number of years.


In 2020 my health took a turn for the worst, after discovering I had an autoimmune condition and finding a lump on my thyroid, I decided to transform my lifestyle to support my body’s natural rhythm, and made the decision to come off birth control, reduce my stress, and deepen my yoga practice. I tailored my movement practices, food + lifestyle with my cycle, and saw incredible benefits.


Wanting to delve more into this, I took further training in Dubai, to become certified in Yin Yoga, and am currently training in women’s health and hormones, to be able to provide bespoke support for students wanting to become more in tune with their hormones.


My aim is so guide you through the practice of yoga + mindfulness, to become the most balanced, aligned + glowing version of you. 



Well at work

Corporate wellness classes designed with the desk worker in mind. Choose from lunchtime re-set classes, evening vinyasa flows, or meditation workshops.

Align + Flow

Online yoga, meditation + breathwork, so you can take your mindfulness practice with you wherever you go. Find practices dedicated to each stage of your menstrual cycle, and moon rituals. 

+ Events

Wellness workshops, retreats and events

1-1 Yoga
Cycle Coaching

1-1 yoga sessions tailored to your bespoke needs. Suitable for beginners or those looking to go deeper within their practice and dedicate time to their self care. Playlist, essential oils, sage, card pulling +props all provided if desired. 

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